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Well, if I'm wrong then I'm sure the two come in close. Jimmy is a light hearted free spirited soul who never backs down from a challenge (unless it would cause him great pain... sometimes) and is willing to try anything one and a half times. Because of his wild imagination he suceeded as a fantasy writer and gets to work out of his home. I don't want to give to much away on him as I like to keep him unpredictable. Just know that nothing is too taboo for this guy. </td> <tr><td bgcolor=#440000> <font face = "Helvetica" size=6 color=yellow><p> Holly <td bgcolor=#440000> <font face = "Helvetica" size=3 color=white><p>Ah Holly, the apple of Jimmy's eye, his affection from afar. She's his perfect woman... if she never opened her mouth. They are roomates from some twist of fate that Jimmy has long since forgotten about. This character at the moment is somewhat of a mystery. No one knows where she came from, what she does, what her occupation is. In fact, if Jimmy just sat down and thought about it for a second, he would really have to wonder why this girl is living is his apartment. What we do know about Holly is that she's been friends with Jimmy for years and she has an obsession for all things furry...or feathery... basically alive that she could fit in thier apartment. Despite being only 4 foot 9, she has an amazingly sexy sort of school girl aura about her that can drive a man crazy, but over the years Jimmy himself has become imune... well, most of the time anyway.</td> <tr><td bgcolor=#440000> <font face = "Helvetica" size=6 color=yellow><p> Kel <td bgcolor=#440000> <font face = "Helvetica" size=3 color=white><p> Look up in the sky, its a bird, its a plane, no its just Kel. Towering over the 5 foot 6 Jimmy and even moreso over the 4 foot 9 Holly is the 6 foot 5 Kel, a friend of Jimmy's from high school. As of this time he is no more than a supporting character but fear not. patience will be a virtue as I turn him into a more in depth character. One with charm, wit, intelegence, and the inability to do the simplest task with falling, breaking or otherwise destroying something with his oversized clumsiness. If your looking for slapstick then Kel is your man. Besides, isn't it always funnier when the upity smart guy takes a fall instead of the moron? Think about it. </td> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <font color=white align= center> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- var name = "hj_comic"; var domain = "hotmail.com"; document.write('<a href=\"mailto:' + name + '@' + domain + '\">'); document.write(James Thompson); // --></script> <noscript> hj_comic@hotmail.com </noscript></font></c> </td> </tr> <br> <tr> <td> </td> <td bgcolor="#111111"> <font face = "Helvetica" size="2"> The Short End is hosted on <a href="http://www.keenspace.com">Keenspace</a>, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. </font> </td> </tr> </table> <center> <font face = "Helvetica" size=1>Indextemplate design by Ping Teo of <a href="http://thejaded.keenspace.com">The Jaded</a>. The 'Charcoal Indextemplate' is free-use for all Keenspacers.</font> </font> </div> </center> </body> </html> runsUCTxddGeneva UCgaqqGeneva rlrs(brlrrext